Dominion Card Picker

This card picker program is for the card game Dominion by Donald X. Vaccarino, and includes features for both true random and artificial card selection. The various card picker fields and checkboxes were designed to attempt to produce interesting and balanced games, with multiple viable openings and strategies. Included also is a blind veto system, by which cards can be replaced from the set while still preserving all of the set parameters. Note: if the card picker program interface does not load below, try using the unencrypted version of this page here:

152 thoughts on “Dominion Card Picker

  1. Andrew

    We almost had an uprising at work before lunch because the Dominion Card Picker was down. Thanks for getting it back up!

  2. Rodel30

    Any chance we could get a Card Type filter? (a checkbox list of card types, then cards that had any of the unchecked types would be excluded) All types could be checked by default to preserve current behavior. Often I want to include cards from across expansions, but want to leave out certain concepts (like Reserve) when playing with newer players.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rodel30,

      Ah yeah, kind of like I have for number of Attack cards? Are there specific card types that you’d want to be able to filter or restrict the quantity of?

      1. Rodel30

        Reserve and Duration are the two that have the highest possible chance of appearing that I will sometimes want to avoid. Traveller, Gathering, and Looter are a lot less common so they aren’t as much of a bother to veto when I don’t want to bother explaining how those mechanics work to newer players at the table.

        And I guess while I have your attention, would it be possible to get an “easy copy” list of the selected cards? I often use this tool when playing online with coworkers and at this point I am manually typing out the names of selected cards into a comma delimited list that I can paste into dominion online to have it select the cards for the game.

        And now I feel like I’m being needy, but I also don’t think there’s a way to force 2 [event/landmarks] (is there a name that encompasses both of those?) This one I’m a lot less worried about, as I’m OK with letting Dominion online pick these at random (or just shuffling the stack and drawing when playing IRL). But wouldn’t hurt if it’s not too hard πŸ™‚

        Thank you for your time! This is the only tool I’ve found that actually keeps up to date with new expansions.

        I guess as a note, if the source for this is hosted on Github or similar, I’d be happy to help make changes and submit a PR. Don’t want to put all this work on you; this tool is a great addition for the Dominion community, so we should help out πŸ™‚

        1. Toskk Post author

          No problem, I’m very glad the card picker program is still getting use! πŸ™‚

          I can do the new filters, it’ll just take a bit of work as many of those types aren’t currently tagged in the card database. Would you prefer an on/off switch for them, or min/max fields like how Attacks are handled currently?

          I actually had an ‘easy copy’ listing of cards just like that for a while, but it formatted the text for import into the predecessor of Dominion Online. Are there specific formatting conventions that Dominion Online needs? e.g. does it format things like the Bane card (for Young Witch) with something like a * first? Does it allow for inputting things like Colonies/Platinum use? If you can get me the parameters of how the text list should be formatted, that’s very quick to implement. πŸ™‚

          Oh, so it sounds like you’d like a feature to require 2 events/landmarks? That should be doable pretty easily.

          Unfortunately the source isn’t on Github or anywhere.. I began the project with a very limited scope, and it’s honestly more than a little hackish. πŸ˜‰

          1. Alex Denman

            Hi! Tacking on a feature request here:

            I’d like to suggest an option to scale the probability of including a reaction/lighthouse card with the number / power of attack cards. When there are relatively few attack cards and/or they aren’t particularly awful, the “include reaction/lighthouse if attack cards are present” rule can seem like overkill. I think it would be nice to get a range of boards that includes both moderately attack heavy boards (that DO always include a defensive card) and attack-light boards that don’t necessarily include one.

  3. Dom

    I love the customization this site offers! Especially the second edition options allowing +small expansion. My only 2 complaints are that the boxes for black listed cards don’t expand, so sometimes it’s hard if I want to add a bunch of cards there. Also, do you think you could make the choices for “useless or redundant cards” optional? I like most of the options, but for example, I like it when quarry shows up, not just with festival/market/6+ cards. It doesn’t really make much sense to me personally. Anyway, wonderful job you’ve done here! I use this all the time.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Dom,

      Hmm.. I can definitely make those two fields larger. πŸ™‚ That’s a quick change. I know everything tucked away in the “useless or redundant cards” option can be frustrating to folks.. originally, every single one of the options there had its own checkbox, but as you can imagine eventually the list got waaaay too long. I have been thinking about ways to restructure that option, though. It seems like there are really two major things it tries to do. The first is remove redundant cards (e.g. same-cost or similar cards that do effectively the same thing as each other). This feature is pretty straight-forward. The second is to “fully-activate” all cards, which is of course much more subjective and difficult to do. Quarry, for example, as you mentioned is probably ‘active’ (i.e. it’s a real choice, rather than an obvious no-go) more often than just when Festival/Market/6+ Action cards are in the set, but what *does* need to be in the set in order for Quarry to get consideration in a match? From my memory, it seemed like other Treasures was really the issue I had with it.. although the availability of +Buy is of course important too.

      I’ll hopefully have some time to implement a few of the recent requests for the card picker in a couple weeks, too! πŸ™‚

  4. Richard

    Love this tool. Any idea when Nocturne will be included? Just got it and would love to include it in the mix (even if you haven’t gotten a chance to fully playtest what counts as reduntant/useless).

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Richard,

      Thanks! I’ve started work on Nocturne, and I actually have a bit of time to work on it now. πŸ™‚ Looking at it, I do think long-term it may need some new redundant/useless settings (e.g. for Night cards), but I may just push out the updated version without those extra features for a while.

  5. Toskk Post author

    Ok, v1.6.0 has preliminary support for Nocturne. πŸ™‚ I also made a few tweaks to existing settings and filters, and added an option for forcing two Events/Landmarks. You may need to clear your browser cache in order to get the new version to load, but hopefully it’s all working properly with a new cookie. If anyone spots anything not working, please let me know!


  6. bob319480189342

    Thanks for making this fantastic tool. My family and I use it almost every time we play, and it’s way better than any other I can find.

    Is there any chance you could add a veto event/landmark option? Frequently I’ll pick a good game but the events aren’t compatible/useful. Sometimes only one or even no events are picked, which is also inconvenient.

    Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

    1. Toskk Post author

      No problem. πŸ™‚ Yeah, I’d been meaning to figure out how to add a veto Event/Landmark feature. I’ll look into it. πŸ™‚ I did add a checkbox to always require two Events/Landmarks, though, in case you always want them in the game.


      1. Toskk Post author

        Well huh.. looking into it, it looks like a veto feature for Events/Landmarks is going to be trickier than I’d hoped. πŸ™ Because Events and Landmarks are mixed into the ‘deck’ and simply set aside when drawn, there wouldn’t be any reason to continue drawing if one were veto’d. i.e. veto’ing one would just eliminate it from the final set, but wouldn’t draw one to replace it because all Kingdom cards have already been drawn. Even the checkbox requiring at least two Events/Landmarks doesn’t help with this, as it would just lock up the card picker program if one of the Events or Landmarks was veto’d (there wouldn’t be any way to add the second Event/Landmark back in, making all sets fail the test). πŸ˜› *huh* I’ll keep thinking about this one..

  7. Toskk Post author

    Ok, v1.6.1 adds veto buttons for Events/Landmarks. Hopefully I didn’t break anything implementing the feature. πŸ˜› Currently, Events and Landmarks will only be replaced on veto if the ‘Always require at least two Events/Landmarks’ option is checked. Without that, there is nothing currently to force a replacement Event/Landmark when one is veto’d. If folks would like the feature to always replace a veto’d event/landmark with a new one when veto’d, let me know, though. It wouldn’t be too hard to implement at this point. πŸ˜‰

    Edit: Oh, as usual you may have to clear your browser cache before the new version loads.


  8. Jeremy Moritz

    It is amazing that you got Nocturne added so quickly! None of the other randomizers have nocturne yet. Thank you so much for creating this randomizer and staying on top of the updates even during the holiday season! You are awesome!

  9. Lance

    Hey thanks again for the great site. One thing I noticed now is if apply recommended defaults and select seaside prosperity hinterlands and then check second edition and expansions for dominion base and intrigue as well as uncheck first edition for both no cards will show up. Not sure if by design (needing first edition checked as well) or bug. Thanks again

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Lance,

      Hmm.. well, you definitely won’t want to check both second edition and the small expansion for that (first) edition, as the card picker would likely try to do something very unusual (it’s probably trying to add the new second-edition cards twice). I.e. if you have the second edition of the game, just check that box, and not either of the first edition options. Does that help (and/or fix the problem)? πŸ™‚


      1. Lance

        Yea I figured that out too after I posted and felt silly lol.

        That works great, thanks. My wife and I use your picker every time we play!

  10. TomN

    Great job with the card picker. It makes consistently playable kingdoms. One thing I noticed is if you force it to always include events or landmarks but don’t select a set that has them, it hangs up. Of course, it’s a user error, but it could be trapped and fixed rather than hanging.

    I accidentally got the hover text on the two starred items at the bottom of the functional restrictions and was interested to see how you apply them. But it looks like the text is too long for the window, and it cuts off at the bottom. Any way you can display the rest of the filters?

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi TomN,

      I’m glad you like the Dominion card picker, and it’s still doing a reasonable job of producing playable Kingdom sets. πŸ™‚ Yes, unfortunately the program doesn’t currently include any form of range checking or trapping, so it may lock up. πŸ˜› I’ve been meaning to get around to fixing that.. hopefully I’ll have the chance soon. πŸ™‚

      Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure just how much text I could stick into a tooltip.. Firefox seems to display the whole block for each of the two checkboxes, but other browsers might not. πŸ™ Here’s the current text of the two, though:

      For the redundancy filter:
      Don’t allow multiple cost 2 cards that provide +1 Card and +1 Action.
      Don’t allow multiple same-cost cards that let you trash or return other cards.
      Don’t allow more than 3 cards that let you trash or return other cards.
      Don’t allow more than one cost 3-4 card that lets you trash or return other cards.
      Don’t allow multiple same-cost cards that provide +2 or more actions.
      Don’t allow more than one cost 3-5 card that provides +2 or more actions.
      Don’t allow more than one cost 5-6 card that provides +2 or more actions.
      Don’t allow more than one cost 2-3 card that provides +2 or more actions.
      Don’t allow more than 1 Reaction or Lighthouse card (except Fool’s Gold, Market Square, Trader, Tunnel, and Watchtower).
      Don’t allow more than 1 hand-reducing Attack card.
      Don’t allow more than 2 curse-giving Attack cards.
      Don’t allow more than 1 treasure-trashing Attack card.
      Don’t allow both King’s Court and Throne Room.
      Don’t allow more than one Armory, Ironworks, or Workshop card.
      Don’t allow both Nomad Camp and Woodcutter.
      Don’t allow both Envoy and Smithy.
      Don’t allow more than 1 Hunting Party, Laboratory, or Stables card.
      Don’t allow both Chancellor and Scavenger.
      Don’t allow both Count and Mandarin.
      Don’t allow more than 1 Catacombs, Embassy, or Journeyman card.

      For the fully_active filter:
      Only allow Quarry if there is at least one Festival, Market, or an Action card costing 6 or more.
      Only allow Scout if there is at least one Baron, Crossroads, Explorer, Hunting Party, Farmland, Menagerie, Mystic, Peddler, Tournament, Tunnel, Wishing Well, Action/Victory, or Treasure/Victory card.
      Only allow Chancellor if there is at least one Baron, Counting House, Explorer, Herald, Hunting Party, Inn, Minion, Stash, Treasure Map, or Tournament card.
      Only allow Counting House if there is at least one Ambassador, Beggar, Chancellor, Coppersmith, Golem, Ill-Gotten Gains, Moneylender, or Mountebank card.
      Only allow Armory, Ironworks, Talisman, or Workshop if there is at least one Bishop, Bridge, Caravan, Conspirator, Crossroads, Envoy, Feodum, Fishing Village, Fool’s Gold, Gardens, Great Hall, Highway, Island, Menagerie, Procession, Scheme, Silk Road, Smithy, Throne Room, Tournament, or Warehouse card.
      Only allow Tunnel if there is at least 1 card that allows you to discard or at least 1 hand-reducing Attack card.
      Only allow Contraband if there are no other sources of +buy.
      If there is a Chapel, don’t allow Loan, Moneylender, or Spice Merchant.
      Only allow Reaction and Lighthouse cards (other than Fool’s Gold, Market Square, Trader, Tunnel, and Watchtower) if there is at least one relevant Attack card.
      Only allow cards with on-trash abilities if there is at least 1 card that allows you trash them.
      Only allow Squire if there is an Attack card.

      I recently split the above options out into the two sets as above, to try to separate out the more-commonly-accepted redundancy filters from the slightly-more-controversial fully_active filters, but I’d of course also welcome any other recommendations/deletions/additions to these features in particular. πŸ™‚ At one time the card picker program also included a feature that attempted to minimize the power discrepancy between the best 5:2 opening and the best 4:3 opening, however that feature eventually became impossible to maintain due to the overall number of combinations.

  11. Joel

    You have the best Dominion card picker I’ve found. Unfortunately, I can’t get it it to work on mobile browsers (I’ve tried Chrome and Silk on kindle fire and Chrome and Safari on an iPad).

    Would you be open to porting it to a free mobile app? I don’t know what your background is — I’d be happy to do the coding for it, but I wouldn’t want to do it without your permission.

    Regardless, thanks for the work you have put into this; it makes our game night’s here run a lot more smoothly.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Joel,

      I’m glad you like the card picker program! Hmm.. it’s coded entirely in javascript, so I’d think that mobile browsers should work fine still.. does the program do anything at all (i.e. is it an output formatting problem)? From a little checking, at least for Safari there may be an option in settings to enable javascript. Does that help at all? πŸ™‚ I don’t have any experience with mobile app development, so if we can get the web version running on your mobile device, that’s likely going to be the easiest option. πŸ˜‰

  12. Cyndi

    I want to join in the thanks for a great card picker! My old one does not have Nocturne yet which forced me to find a new one.

    I too had trouble with it running on Safari. I checked my settings and JavaScript was enabled. So I cleared most of the settings to see if I have an input problem. I chose Dark Ages and Nocturne with most of the Promos (not Prince) and set attacks to 2. It worked fine then. I think my problem was enabling “Always include” under Events/Landmarks when neither Adventures or Empires was chosen. I tested this on my Windows laptop and it hung up there as well. My old randomizer had an option for playing with Events/Landmarks outside of Adventures and Empires and I was hoping yours did as well.

    Two odd things happened. First, with the above settings on the laptop, Potion showed up as a required card. Second, Colony and Platinum showed up with an exclamation point before each one on both browsers. The pc was set to not ever choose them and Safari was set to choose if a random card was from Prosperity. Not a big problem, it is easy to ignore. I just thought I’d let you know.

    Regarding the explanatory text, it doesn’t show up for me on either Windows Edge or Safari, although there is a big blank space where it should be before the comments.

    Will the Dismantle promo be available soon?

    Thanks again for all of your work!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Cyndi,

      Ah yeah, unfortunately the program selects Event and Landmark cards by actually ‘shuffling’ them into the draw deck.. so currently checking the box for always requiring events/landmarks without also including a set that includes them will just lock up the program. πŸ™ I really should get around to implementing range and error checking. πŸ™

      As for Potions showing up randomly, I think I know what happened.. I’m guessing the Kingdom set included Black Market? Black Market *should* include every available option.. however I think I neglected to have it check what should be included with which card sets are actually available. πŸ˜› I’ll get that fixed in the next version.

      Dismantle is a quick one, so I should be able to get that one added pretty quickly. πŸ™‚


  13. Toskk Post author

    Ok, version 1.6.2 adds the Dismantle promo card, and fixes that little glitch with Potions showing up without Alchemy. πŸ˜› I’m still looking into implementing range and error checking and a few other features too. πŸ™‚

    Oh, as usual you may need to clear your browser cache before the new version appears. πŸ˜›

  14. Zac

    Hi there! Thanks so much for making this and keeping it updated! This is by far the best card-picker I’ve found, and is the only one my wife and I use!

    One hopefully quick add: there’s a new-ish promo card called Summon, it’s an event card. Any chance that could get added?

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Zac,

      Ack! I’m not sure how I missed that Summon promo card before. πŸ™ I’ll get it added asap. Thanks!


    2. Toskk Post author

      Ok, v1.6.3 adds the Summon promo card. As usual, you may need to clear your browser cache before the new version will appear. πŸ™‚

  15. LeadB

    Love this site, thanks so much! I’m curious if a possible future feature could be to limit the number of sets it selects from or similar to Alchemy have a minimum number for a set to be included? I know I can control the former manually, but it would be great to have it included in the randomizing process. There are some nights I simply don’t want to pull out all the boxes for one or two resources per box.


  16. Tuomas

    I use recommended defaults and all cards, expect 1st editions of base and intrigue. When I put Donate into included cards picker does not work anymore. I know Donate is not a card, but I saw no field for included events, so included cards field was the best option.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Toumas,

      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.. yes, unfortunately it does appear that the ‘always include’ option doesn’t work for Events/Landmarks currently (i.e. it will lock up the card picker because it won’t be able to find the correct card). I’ll work on fixing that! πŸ™‚


    2. Toskk Post author

      Ok, version 1.6.4 adds support for Events/Landmarks in the ‘always include’ field. πŸ™‚ It was a bit of a weird fix, so if anyone spots any unusual behavior from the update please let me know!

      As usual, you may need to clear your browser cache before the new version will load. πŸ™‚

  17. Dominoid

    This is a great randomizer. I created a branch of your work that I would like to offer to you here. I made the following “significant” changes/alteration to the way it works. Hopefully this isn’t too far from your personal vision.

    β€’ Moved the javascript to an external file
    β€’ Changed all card images to
    β€’ Cards now link to their associated wiki page
    β€’ Set a bail mechanism if after 100,000 Kingdoms conditions cannot be met – should help with lockups from user choices
    β€’ Moved Young Witch’s bane card to the Kingdom cards section
    β€’ Added a “Base Cards” tableau that builds accordingly – Platinum, Colony, Potion, Ruins, etc
    β€’ Split Piles, Travelers, Castles, Knights are now Animated GIFs
    β€’ Added a “Starting Hand” tableau that builds according to kingdom selections – Coppers, Heirlooms, Estates, Shelters

    My next step is to add other setup things to the display. For example, Adding Zombies to the Trash for Necromancer, Boons, Hexes, etc.

    It resides here for now –
    “Include” Young Witch, Transmute, Castles, Secret Cave, Pooka, Cultist to see most of the changes.

    Let me know what you think and if you would like to incorporate or if I should simply branch off. After the additional setup changes mentioned above, I fear my next plans may change it a bit too much for your liking.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Dominoid,

      Those changes look really cool! I especially like the use of GIFs to display split pile cards, and the base cards tableau works much better than my original piecemeal attempt at it does. I’ll shoot you an email about incorporating the changes. πŸ™‚


  18. Psykonurz

    Hi Toskk

    When should we expect an addition from the newest set Renaissance to come up? (also with Projects).
    thank you!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Psykonurz,

      Sorry for the delay in responding. I’m just about finished with schoolwork for another Semester, and should have time to get Renaissance loaded in the next couple weeks. πŸ™‚


    2. Toskk Post author

      Ok, v1.6.5 adds Renaissance. πŸ™‚ As usual, you may need to refresh your browser cache before the new version loads. If anyone spots any unusual behavior from the update, please let me know! Thanks,


  19. Rabenkind

    Iβ€˜m confused. Why is one generator with gifs, wiki pictures, player number etc. and the other one with Renaissance?

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rabenkind,

      I haven’t heard back from Dominoid about his modifications to the card picker program, thus the ‘current’ version here simply implements Renaissance. I’m still hoping to hear back from him, to be able to eventually implement many/all of his changes. πŸ™‚

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Max,
      I’m assuming you mean that when you clicked the veto button under Goons, the card wasn’t replaced with something new? Technically, as it is currently implemented, that can definitely happen. The veto button basically tries to replace the selected card with another randomly-selected card, which could be the same card all over again. This was done because sometimes, based on the particular set parameters chosen, it is actually not possible to replace the card with a different card (there aren’t any available cards other than the one already on the table that meet all of the set requirements chosen). The simple solution is to just click veto again, until you actually get a new card (or after clicking it a few times discover that there aren’t any other cards that can fit in that particular slot because of the set requirements). Longer-term, it would be nice to implement a feature that would either guarantee the card is actually replaced or a warning given that the settings chosen won’t allow the card to be veto’d. πŸ˜› Does that help at all? πŸ˜›

      Edit: Just as a quick example, if your particular set settings required at least one cost-6 card, and at least one Attack Action card, Goons might be the only card that you have that meets both requirements. e.g. if the set included no other attacks and no other cost-6 cards, you could potentially only replace Goons with Goons. πŸ˜›


    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rabenkind,

      Hmm.. that might not be too tough, depending on how it is intended to work with regard to the veto system. e.g. When the Obelisk-target card is veto’d, what (ideally) should happen? Should a new Obelisk target be determined? Or should the new card that replaced the veto’d one automatically get the Obelisk target?


  20. Y F-N

    I had the option for +2 Actions checked, and the kingdom it gave me was Peddler, Bank, Grand Market, Market, Tactician, Bard, Remake, Treasure Map, Ghost Town, Monastery, which doesn’t have any villages. The only explanation I can think of is that maybe Ghost Town counts because it gives +1 Action next turn and is a Night so it doesn’t cost one on play.

    By the way, this is an amazing randomizer and I use it all the time. Thanks so much for taking the time to maintain it.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Y F-N,
      I just checked on the tags on those particular cards, and yes, Ghost Town is coded as contributing +2 actions. Is that desirable behavior? πŸ™‚ i.e. Does the card feel/play enough like a village to ‘work’ for that particular checkbox? It’s an easy change to make, if you feel like Ghost Town shouldn’t get the ‘village’ classification for set selection purposes. πŸ™‚


      1. Y F-N

        I think Ghost Town could definitely count as a village; it increases the number of terminals you can play. But I wasn’t sure if there was a list of villages or if it checked the text of the cards, and if it checked the text, then I figured I should let you know, because none of the cards literally said “+2 Actions” on them. If there is a list of villages, though, I would put Ghost Town on it, as well as some other exceptions like Hamlet and Lost Arts. And in that case, there isn’t a problem.

    1. Toskk Post author

      *Doh* Yep, looks like the original card hosting site has gone offline. πŸ™ I’ll get them all switched to the wiki versions. πŸ˜›

    2. Toskk Post author

      Ok, I’ve now uploaded an updated version that fixes all of the card image links. πŸ™‚ You may need to clear your browser cache before the update starts working, though.

  21. Noah

    The webpage freezes every time I hit the select cards button. I tried on 4 browsers, computer, and cell phone and the same for all of them. I also tried clearing browser history and cache. Am I missing something?

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Noah,

      I’m afraid that happens when the card selection settings are such that a set of kingdom cards cannot ever resolve. There’s currently no range checking or bail mechanism in the card picker, so it will just lock up if it can’t resolve the selection options. For example, if you require the picker to give you at least one Adventures card, but don’t include Adventures in the set at all, it will fail to ever select a set of kingdom cards that ‘work’. Are the settings you’re using all the defaults? The most obvious thing to check is that the set options are at 0 and 10 for mins and maxes for each set.

      1. NOah

        You are right, I wanted to include event cards but I didn’t have any sets selected that include events. Thanks for the quick replay. This website is the best thing for Dominion.

  22. Y F-N

    Would it be possible to randomize the 3 Boons for Druid when it comes up? It’s really not necessary, especially since it will rarely come up, but it might be a cool feature.

  23. Toskk Post author

    Ok, I just pushed out a little update to the card picker program (v1.6.6). It just made a few tweaks to how Events/Landmarks/Projects work with the artificial selection options (i.e. they ‘work’ now). Basically, the various selection options (e.g. the card cost restrictions) now apply to Events and Projects too. For example if you have the option for requiring a trashing card selected, that card could now be an Event or Project rather than a Kingdom card.

    I also added one new entry in the ‘redundancy’ filter, to check for multiple same-cost Treasure cards.

    As always, I welcome feedback and suggestions for the program, particularly related to the artificial selection options. πŸ™‚ Thanks!


  24. Amul M Shah

    Thanks for the great website! Now that the Captain and Church promos have been released for physical play, can you please include them as new promo selection options? Thank you!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Amul,

      Sure, promos are pretty quick to implement. I should have that done in the next day or so. πŸ™‚

    2. Toskk Post author

      Ok, v1.6.7 includes the Captain and Church promo cards. As always, if anyone spots any unusual behavior from the card picker please let me know! πŸ™‚ Thanks,


  25. Rabenkind

    Hey, Great work! Would you mind to change the β€œIf there are any Alchemy cards, include at least 3.” to β€œIf there are any potion cards, include at least 3.” or add it?
    Thx, Rabenkind!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rabenkind,
      Yeah, that change makes sense to make. πŸ™‚ I should be able to get that implemented in the next few days. πŸ™‚


    2. Toskk Post author

      Ok, v1.6.8 makes that change to the Alchemy card filter option. πŸ™‚ You may have to clear your browser cache before the new version loads, though.

  26. Rabenkind

    Hey Toskk! Thanks for changing the potion card filter. I have another suggestion: could you add to the redundancy filter that Advisor/Envoy can’t be in one deck? Thanks, Rabenkind!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rabenkind,

      Cool, no problem. πŸ™‚ Sure, it should be pretty quick to make that redundancy filter change.. I know that those filters are somewhat out-of-date with regard to the newer expansions. πŸ˜› It looks like Envoy is already included in a filter to check for Smithy.. ideally should Advisor be added to that same check, or would you prefer a separate filter that only checked for that particular pairing? πŸ™‚


  27. Rabenkind

    I now that it is a big wish but would it be possible to add a black market randomiser to your set? So that you could select during the game the random cards from a random black market deck. Thanks for all your great work and best wishes, Rabenkind!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rabenkind,

      Yeah, that’s a feature that’s been requested a few times. πŸ™‚ πŸ˜› In his fork of the card picker program, Dominoid seemed to have implemented one.. when I have a bit of time, I’ll take a look at how he implemented it and see how much work it would be.


  28. Y F-N

    This isn’t strictly necessary, but I saw Cursed Village and Library come up in the same game, and I realized that Library wouldn’t get much use because of the Cursed Village. Maybe it would be nice to add “don’t put in two draw-to-x cards” for the redundancy filter? On second thought, most draw-to-x cards have a second function; it might just be better to put “don’t put in Library with another draw-to-x card”.

  29. Amul

    Hello, it’s new expansion time again. It may already be on your to-do list, but if you could update your card picker for the new Menagerie expansion, that would be much appreciated. Thanks for updating this card picker over the years!

    Special options to consider adding for new expansion:
    Don’t allow more than one Way.
    Always include at least one Way.

    Option to consider updating:
    “Include at least 1 card that lets you trash or return other cards” can now become “Include at least 1 card that lets you trash, exile, or return other cards.”

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Amul,

      Yep, I’ve already begun work on implementing Menagerie.. hopefully I’ll get it finished in the next couple days. πŸ™‚ For Ways, I’d originally just been thinking of including Ways in the restriction options for Events and such.. e.g. don’t allow more than 2, etc. Are options about just one Way preferable? πŸ™‚


      1. Amul

        Yes, options for 1 maximum Way are preferable; the recommendation in the rule book is to limit Ways to 1 per game at most, not 2. The default in Dominion Online is also 1 maximum Way. Thanks!

  30. Rabenkind

    I think the best option is to include both. So if you activate both options, you can get up to two landscape cards but only one of them can be a way. So the four options would be β€œAlways include at least two Event, Landmark, Project, or Way cards.”, β€œDon’t allow more than two Event, Landmark, Project, or Way cards.”, β€œAlways include at least one Way card.” and β€œDon’t allow more than one Way card.”.

    1. Amul

      I like this idea, although it can be confusing for some people to know which ones to check to make the restrictions work out the way they intend.

      1. Toskk Post author

        Hi Rabenkind and Amul,

        Thank you both for the suggestions! Just a quick update.. I’ve been working on implementing this method (it’s also fairly straight-forward to add), and will hopefully have it up and working in the next couple days now. πŸ™‚


  31. Toskk Post author

    Ok, v1.6.9 has preliminary support for Menagerie. The coding of the Ways options was a bit odd, so there could definitely still be bugs. πŸ˜› If anyone notices anything unusual with the card picker, please let me know! As usual, you may have to clear your browser cache before the new version loads.

    Oh, there are a few Ways that currently don’t have higher-resolution images on Dominionwiki. I’ll update the links to them once the better quality versions become available.



    1. Y F-N

      I am always impressed at how fast you get the expansions into the randomizer. It hasn’t even been a week yet, and my preorder has yet to arrive!

    2. Amul

      Similar to how Young Witch requires an extra 2-3 cost card to be chosen to be a Bane card, Way of the Mouse also requires an extra 2-3 cost card to be chosen. It looks like you forgot to include the extra card for Way of the Mouse.

      1. Toskk Post author

        Hi Amul,

        *doh* I hadn’t spotted that.. yeah, that one will take a bit of work, unfortunately. πŸ˜› I’ll try to get that implemented fairly soon.

  32. Valeria

    This is fantastic, thank you!! I would love to be able to have the output in a comma-separated list for Dominion Online. To answer your question about it, above, I don’t know how the Bane must be formatted. There is a button we can click to turn Colonies/Platinums and Shelters on, so we don’t need those in the list–but any comma-separated list provided would allow me to import your sets into Dominion Online with only a little bit of tweaking instead of having to type out all the card names manually. I like the images that you provide, so maybe in the white space underneath them there could be a list? Thanks so much for considering this feature!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Valeria,

      Sure, a comma-separated list of the cards selected is very quick to add.. the card picker previously output one, but it was a feature that didn’t seem to get much/any use after the predecessor to Dominion Online was turned off. If anyone knows how to format things like the Bane card for that list, though, please let me know! I’ve looked through Dominion Online’s online documentation, but I can’t find anything. πŸ˜›


      1. Toskk Post author

        Ok, I re-added back in the feature to print a text list of the kingdom set at the bottom of the output. It still marks the Young Witch’s Bane card, so if anyone knows the correct syntax for that in Dominion Online I’d be happy to tweak the output.


  33. Rabenkind

    Hi Toskk,
    I just got a set with rats as the only possibility to trash something. As rats can’t teach themselves, it would be a great addition to the fully active filter to just allow rats with another thrasher.
    Love your work!

  34. killyin

    Greetings Tossk!

    Hope you’re doing well and all. Just wanted to thank you for this site. It’s been a wonderful boon to our family games. Hope you’re staying safe!


    1. Toskk Post author

      Thank you Killyin! I’m very glad that the card picker program is still being utilized. πŸ™‚ I’ve been alright, but busy. πŸ˜› I’ll be on winter break starting tomorrow, and am hoping to finally have a little bit of time to make a few little requested tweaks to the card picker program (e.g. the Rats filter Rabenkind suggested above).


  35. Rabenkind

    Hey, just a quick bug I found: If you enable Renaissance and disable Menagerie it can’t save it. If I reload the page, Menagerie is enabled.

  36. Dan Magyar

    As always, thanks for spending your time keeping this up and running! My wife and I use it every week.

    The next time you are making an update would you consider adding the option to disallow certain types of cards. Especially when introducing someone new to the game, I would love to be able to not have Duration, Night, Event, Landmark, Project, or Way cards. That way I could introduce these one at a time while still being able to generate a nice random game. Maybe this could be added to section with Attack, terminal action, and Non-action cards.

    Appreciate your consideration,

  37. Rabenkind

    I wanted to ask you if you are still thinking about what Amul said that the Way of the Mouse needs an extra card, similar to the Young Witch?
    Thanks for all!

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Rabenkind (and all),

      Sorry I haven’t been very active around here lately! πŸ™ I’ve definitely been meaning to look into fixing that issue with Way of the Mouse. From my memory, implementing the original Bane card wasn’t the cleanest, but I’m hoping that a second card like that won’t be *too* bad to implement. πŸ˜›


  38. Jim

    Hireling, Crypt, Horn of Plenty, Treasurer, Mountain Village, Black Market, Chariot Race, Masterpiece, Scheme, Scrying Pool, *Beggar, Road Network

    One of these caused a Bane card to be picked. My guess would be Black Market, since it could contain Young Witch, but the contents of the Black Market were not listed.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Jim,

      Yes, the current behavior of Black Market is that it will assume the market deck can contain any non-used card in the available set(s).. so it would definitely see Young Witch as an eligible card to be drawn via Black Market, and thus set up the Bane card as required. Someday I could perhaps add a listing of the black market deck cards? It would normally be very long, though. πŸ˜›

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Grim,

      I’m glad you’re using the card picker tool! πŸ™‚ I can update it for Allies, yes. Would you happen to know the rules for how the Ally cards are intended to be selected? I haven’t read very much about the expansion. Thanks,


  39. Grim

    For the randomizer purposes they function like Knights or Castles. So Augurs et al would be a pile. If they qualified they’d be available individually for Black Market or Bane or Way of the Mouse etc.

  40. Grim

    Yes that’s correct. They require cards with the “liason” type. If there is a game with one of those types it uses one random ally. You’re not supposed to use more than one even if there is are multiple cards with liason types.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Ok, I’ve begun work on implementing Allies now.. one interesting detail is going to be those split-pile Kingdom cards, and how they interact with the card picker filters. e.g. If some of the cards in the split pile have +buy on them, does that mean the card itself should be flagged as providing +buy? Or if two of the four options have +action, should the overall card get flagged as a terminal action or not?

      I’m *thinking* that it makes the most sense to add any/all applicable flags to the overall card, but I’d love some thoughts/suggestions on how split pile cards should interact with the card picker options. πŸ™‚

  41. Grim

    Split piles are tricky because of black market, bane and way of the mouse. There is also now a card that lets ANY split pile as well as Castles, Knights and Ruins to be rotated, so that is also a consideration. The new split piles also have their own types as opposed to the Empires ones, though I don’t know if that factors into how you are programming Courtier.

    You would definitely have a better idea than me in how to program it, so I’m not sure how you would go about implementing that.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Cheryl,

      I’m not quite sure yet just how soon I’ll have all of the cards implemented. I’m anticipating probably releasing the expansion in two phases.. the first (and easier) part being just the Kingdom cards, and the second being all those new ‘Ally’ type cards. The first part should be fairly quick.. the second will take a bit more work though.

  42. Toskk Post author

    Ok, card picker v1.7.0 has preliminary support for Allies. i.e. All of the Kingdom cards are loaded into the card picker now, however the ‘Ally’ type cards aren’t implemented yet. I still need to figure out the best way to code those, as they’re different-enough from the original ‘Event’ type card to cause problems. πŸ˜› Hopefully I’ll have the Ally-type cards added soon too.


  43. Valeria

    Thanks so much for adding Allies! I am wondering if you can bring the comma-separated list at the bottom back so I can add the list of cards it generates to my Dominion Online games?

    Again, I really appreciate all the work you’ve put into this. We’ve played a lot of online Dominion during the pandemic, and this has been fantastic.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Valeria,

      No problem, yes, I’ll get that output of card names at the bottom of the screen working again. πŸ™‚ Do you happen to know the syntax for how online Dominion identifies things like a Bane card? It looks like previously I used an * before the name of the card to denote that. Should the output also include things like Colonies and Shelters?

      1. Valeria

        Thank you so much! I don’t know how Dominion Online identifies a Bane card. With the syntax you used before, and by having the Bane card last, for example, then it was enough that I could grab the 10 Kingdom cards and see quickly which card was the Bane and choose it manually. It does not need to include shelters or Colonies/Platinums in the comma-separated list–those are options we choose with a checkbox when we set up the table. Again, our group appreciates this tool greatly, thank you!

  44. Toskk Post author

    Ok, v1.7.1 should hopefully now have full Allies implementation. The coding for the Ally type cards was tricky, so if anyone spots any unusual behavior from the card picker program please let me know! Thanks,


  45. Toskk Post author

    Well, I had a bit of time, and (finally) made some UI changes to the card picker. πŸ™‚ Hopefully the interface should be a bit cleaner now. I didn’t make any internal/functional changes in v1.7.2, but if anyone notices anything odd about the card picker please let me know! Thanks,


    1. Connor

      Hi Toskk! I’m noticing the UI is not showing up at all, any ideas on why that is happening? I’ll open up the link, and it’ll reveal the Dominion Card Picker description, but no UI underneath it. This has happened recently, maybe over the past week, as I have been using the randomizer for months now without this issue. Thanks

      1. Toskk Post author

        Hi Connor,

        *huh* was version 1.7.2 working ok previously? It was the (new) interface that has all of the various settings/options on hideable tabs, rather than everything showing on one big screen of options. If it was previously working, I think I might try just clearing out your browser cache/cookies for Let me know if that doesn’t fix it.. it seems to be working fine for me at the moment. What web browser are you using, by the way? Thanks!


    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Cheryl,

      Hmm.. those second-edition cards shouldn’t be too much work to implement. Thankfully I already have the second edition coding for the first two sets to use to help. I’ll try to get that implemented pretty soon! πŸ™‚ Thanks,


      1. Toskk Post author

        Well, it ended up being much quicker than I’d thought to get Seaside 2nd Edition loaded. v1.7.3 should have those cards included now. If anyone notices any odd behavior out of the card picker, please let me know. Thanks! πŸ™‚

          1. Toskk Post author

            Hi Cheryl,

            If you are still seeing v1.7.2 of the card picker program, it’s often easiest to delete your browser cache/cookies for That should force it to load the newest version. Let me know if that doesn’t work, though! πŸ™‚


  46. Cheryl

    The update works. I can now see the new Seaside expansion. the issue is that none of the card graphics seem to work, I can just see the names of the cards. Of course now there is also a new Prosperity expansion to be included.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Cheryl,

      Huh.. there’s nothing different about those images vs. any other cards. I don’t host the card images myself.. the card picker program just links to them on dominionstrategy. Are you using the card picker program without an internet connection, by chance? The program itself will work fine (all of the scripting is just javascript embedded right on the page), but the images need an internet connection to load.. older images might be cached, but the new ones wouldn’t be? Does that help at all? πŸ˜› I can’t think of any other reason why those specific card images aren’t loading. πŸ™


    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Dan,

      Ah ha! I figured it out.. some browsers weren’t liking the fact that the page itself was https, but the card picker program was http. πŸ˜› All fixed now I think! πŸ™‚


  47. David

    Your tool is amazing, and I use it many times a week. Thanks so much for maintaining it and keeping it awesome. πŸ™‚

    I can echo Cheryl’s experience about the broken images. Starting about a week ago, none of the images appear with the cards. Not any of them, Seaside or otherwise. I disabled all blockers, and this is new behavior. Perhaps dominionstrategy is down? (I’m not sure if others are experiencing this.)

    β€” David

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi David,

      Oh geez, I just realized that this issue must be related to the one I fixed just recently.. the images are being loaded via http currently, and for some reason Google Chrome (only?) is now refusing to load them when the page itself is https. πŸ˜› I’ll work on getting that fixed!


    2. Toskk Post author

      Hi David (and all),

      Well, I’ve done a little digging, and it appears it’s not good news. πŸ™ The issue (for now) seems to be with Google Chrome specifically.. Chrome has started automatically upgrading all ‘unformed’ hyperlinks to HTTPS. i.e. Even though isn’t a secure site, Chrome is by default attempting to upgrade it to HTTPS unless someone explicitly types out

      The above on its own is not an issue.. but where the issue begins is when I use an iframe to load the little javascript card picker program. Originally, this was an HTTP request, and because Chrome is by default upgrading the overall site/page to HTTPS, it then blocks the iframe because it’s an insecure element. πŸ˜› So my ‘fix’ for that part was to just switch the iframe request to HTTPS.. that restored the javascript program itself loading for any Chrome users.. however there is now the issue of the Dominion card images themselves. I don’t host those myself (I don’t have permission to do so), and instead just link to the images hosted over at a site which doesn’t support HTTPS at all. So now, after switching the iframe to HTTPS, the card picker program will still load if Chrome forces the overall site/page to use HTTPS, but it still blocks all of the image links because they’re using HTTP, and those can’t be upgraded to HTTPS because doesn’t support that currently.

      So.. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I *think* that if users of Chrome visit the card picker via the full, everything *would* work if I were to switch the iframe back to regular HTTP.. but that would mean any Chrome user would need to be sure that they were using the full address of the site, which isn’t ideal.

      Does anyone have any other suggestions for resolving the issue? πŸ˜›


      1. David

        Really helpful description of the challenges β€” and interesting. I don’t know that I have any suggestions for a technical solution. Leaving the tool as is with a note at the top of the page: “changes to Chrome keep the functionality but break the images β€” other browsers will resolve the issue” is probably sufficient in the short term?

      2. YFN

        The issue is also there for Microsoft Edge, by the way. (And I think they might also upgrade to https automatically, so that doesn’t really change your assessment).

      3. Toskk Post author

        Hello everyone,

        Ok, I made the decision to switch everything on the page back to the regular (unencrypted) versions. So, for Chrome and Edge users (and maybe some other browsers too?), I’ve added a new link at the bottom of the card picker description text that will make sure that the site/page loads via HTTP rather than defaulting to HTTPS. This HTTP version should fully load the card picker program and all of the images. πŸ™‚ If anyone runs into any issues, though, please let me know! Thanks,


  48. David

    The images have been working perfectly; your fix was super effective.

    Finally got my “update packs” for Hinterlands and Prosperity in mail. Loving this tool, I’m using it and swapping in the new cards based on cost. My co-players are always griping, halfway through the game, “Wait a second. There’s no extra buy here.” πŸ˜€ Gotta love ’em.

    Do you have plans to add the update packs? I’m guessing that’s the biggest challenge of throwing in additional sets is encoding the properties of all the new cards. Is there any way I can help with that step? (I’m not a coder. But I remain a daily user β€” and incredible fan β€” of your tool here!)

    β€” David

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi David,

      I’m very glad to hear that you’re still using (and liking) the card picker program! πŸ™‚ I’m glad that ‘fix’ for some browsers is working, too. I have been meaning to get those other 2nd edition packs implemented sometime soon.. I’ve gotten a bit behind (on a lot of things), but hopefully I can get those implemented in the next week or so. πŸ™‚


  49. Renee

    Hi, I love this site so much! Thank you for your work!
    Would it be possible to implement a way to export our selected options to a config file that we could then import for our next set generation? If I close this site between sessions, I have to reselect all my choices.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Renee,

      Hmm.. the card picker program is set up to store a cookie that saves all of your selected options (I think the cookie has a duration of 30 days?). Do you by chance have cookies disabled? I’ve been wondering/worried if some web browsers were going to start complaining/blocking the cookie that the card picker program tries to store, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that quite yet. Thanks,


  50. Jarod

    Hey, just wanted to leave a comment asking about adding the new second additions to the site (such as hinterlands, seaside, and prosperity). Also, I would love if there was a way to donate, since your card picker has been such a boon to me. I’ve donated to other fanmade websites that enhance the experience of games in the past, since they do so much for their respective game’s communities.

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Jarod,

      I’m happy to hear so many folks are still using the card picker program! πŸ™‚ It’s surprising to me that, out of all of the game-related tools I’ve created over the years, this one has had the greatest longevity. I have started work on implementing the 2nd editions of Prosperity and Hinterlands.. hopefully those will be ready to go within the week. πŸ™‚ Thank you for the kind offer about donating, too. It’s not something I’ve ever explored before, but I’ll consider implementing a way to do that. Thanks again,


  51. Toskk Post author

    Hello everyone,

    Ok, v1.7.4 implements the 2nd Editions of both Prosperity and Hinterlands. πŸ˜€ Hopefully everything is coded properly.. but as usual if anyone spots anything weird, please let me know! If you still see v1.7.3, you may need to reset your browser cache for the site in order for the new version to load properly too. Thanks,


  52. David

    Yeah, I’m curious how much of a bear Plunder will be. It seems superficially easier than a bunch of the earlier sets? Let me know you need help categorizing for the backend database. (Still using your tool multiple times a week! It’s invaluable given the idiocy of the online platform’s card picking.)

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi David and Cheryl,

      Hmm.. I’ve been looking at Plunder a little bit. Most of it doesn’t seem too hard to implement (e.g. I already have Events coded). How are ‘Traits’ supposed to interact with card selection? I haven’t found an actual set of rules for the expansion yet. Thanks!


      1. David

        It doesn’t seem too painful, yeah. Here’s Traits from the rulebook!

        “Plunder has Traits, which are a new kind of landscape card that affects a single Action or Treasure pile.
        At the start of a game with a Trait, choose a random Action or Treasure Kingdom card pile to put the
        Trait on; then during that game, cards from that pile are affected as indicated on the Trait.

        β€’ Traits are not Kingdom cards, and are never bought or gained.
        β€’ Traits only go on Kingdom cards, not on e.g. Silver or the Ruins pile (from Dark Ages).
        β€’ Don’t put two Traits on the same pile.
        β€’ Traits refer to the pile using the name of the Trait; for example Pious refers to “Pious cards.” That just
        means, any card from that pile.
        β€’ A Trait on a split pile (from Empires and Allies) affects all of those different cards.
        β€’ Traits continue to affect the cards from a pile even after the pile is empty. “

        1. Toskk Post author

          Hi David (and all),

          Thanks! I’ve begun work implementing Plunder now.. I’m hoping I can have it finished by next week or so! Thanks again,


  53. Toskk Post author

    Hi everyone,

    Ok, v1.7.5 of the card picker program implements the Plunder expansion now. The one thing the card picker currently doesn’t do, however, is select the target of any Trait cards. If there’s interest (and/or a way to enter that information when generating kingdom sets for playing online), I can probably have the program (somehow) determine which card any Trait should target. Anyway, if anyone spots any odd behavior out of the card picker, please let me know! Thanks,


    1. Brian

      Thanks! I don’t know about the digital implementations, but I use the randomizer to keep track of previous setups I did IRL. So if you did decide to add the information about which card the Traits go with, I would use it. Also, it would be nice to have the extra card for Way of the Mouse.

      1. Rabenkind

        That’s what I would have written, I would be very happy if you implemented implement the targeted cards. πŸ™‚

    1. Toskk Post author

      Hi Alex,

      I’ve noticed that issue before.. that particular image seems to load inconsistently. I’ll take a look around and see if there’s a better source for that one somewhere! Thanks,


    1. Joseph

      I noticed this happens when you have both 1st edition and 2nd edition selected (of any of the ones with 2 editions).


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